Wednesday, 4 November 2009

dishwasher destruction disaster

So last night, my dishwasher exploded.
Some water had come from the bottom of it.
I was peering under the dishwasher at the water coming from the bottom of it.
As I peered closer, a large blue flame shot from under it, narrowly missing my eyebrows.

Rapidly standing up, wide eyed and shaking, I turn to the missus and explain the phenomena that just occurred, leaving out the part where my upper facial hair was nearly electrically removed.
She asks me how close I got to it.

I ponder this question, considering that she probably considers my proximity to the cleaning appliance to be in direct relation to the level of malfunction present within the machine.  I decide to lie.

"I was here."  I lie, taking a further step away from the now increasingly leaking dishwasher.

She eyes me with some suspicion, but continues making meatballs in our flooding kitchen.

Wicked lying skillz rock.

2 comments - Click to add yours...:

Butters said...

Doesn't she read this though??


Jones said...

I'll tell her it was all 'artistic licence'.

Wicked lying skillz rock