Monday, 7 September 2009

spoonless in a spoon filled world

Some woman just stole my spoon.

So I'm in the kitchen at work and I've just opened my tin of beans (baked) and poured them into my bowl.

As I open the cutlery drawer I hear an, "excuse me" from behind. I turn around to face the owner of the voice, unfortunately turning the wrong way - she darts to the right of me and whips the only spoon remaining from the kitchen cutlery container.

Me, being a polite lad, smile sweetly at her after I finally manage to point my field of vision in her general direction and let the spoon ninja walk away with her stainless steel swag - unbeknownst to me at this point.

So, happily smiling to myself I turn around to face an empty spoon compartment.
This is when the panic hits.

I mean one could, at a push, eat beans with a fork but this would result in a terrible bean to sauce ratio, causing dry bean mouth and a ridiculous amount of sauce waste that could not in any reasonable way be dealt with by bread moppage. The other alternative would be (if one automatically rejects the knife as a absurd bean recovery utensil) is to use a teaspoon. Imagine eating beans with a teaspoon. Now try and imagine something more ridiculous.

I'm just hoping the day will improve because I'm not sure it could get any worse.

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OrchestratedChaos said...