A fun new game for the whole family, Including Granma!
2-100 Players aged 5-105!
You will need:
An autumn night
A lit room with an external door
A stop watch
Start the game by searching the house for a Crane-fly / Daddy long legs. Once a suitable specimen has been located the first player should open the external door and attempt to convince the creature to leave the house by any means necessary, short of ending the creature's life.
Once the winged beast has been safely evicted, start the stop watch.
Time the number of seconds it takes for the player to realise what a total and utter fecking moron they have been for opening that external door and multiply those number of seconds by the total number of extra creatures that have entered the house via the open door during the crane-fly extraction. This is the score of the active player. Highest score wins.
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